Dock Zuid proudly presents: DOCK FEST #1. A new festival that celebrates the music creators from Brabant. Dock Fest will take place from the 12th until the 15th of September in Tilburg and Breda.

About Dock Zuid
Dock Zuid is a center for sustainable entrepreneurship in music. A platform for music professionals for sharing music, knowledge and inspiration among musical genres and generations. The center serves the practitioners of creative, both commercial and non-commercial music by providing the resources they need, including space to work, rehearse, and perform, access to a like-minded community, and access to media resources.
Through these services, Dock Zuid seeks to support and build the community of new music to encourage its efficiency, growth, integration, and excellence.Dock Zuid acts as a steward for our community, including but not limited to composers, performers, producers, presenters, listeners, organisers, scholars, advocates, entrepreneurs, engineers, curators, collaborators, critics, and organizers. By valuing diversity and inclusion, fair treatment of members, fair payment of participating artists, and advocacy for the growth and integration of our community, Dock Zuid provides a platform for communication, collaboration, outreach, program development, incubation of new artists, engagement of new listeners, and increased activity for the business of new music.
In February of 2019, Dock Zuid signed a lease for the pilot-location in Tilburg. Situated at the edge of the city center, the 3Suisses site is comprised of 11.000 square metres which acts as a creative hub. While pursuing their definitive location, and founding a cooperative association, Dock Zuid is being supported by the municipalities of Tilburg and Breda, and the province North-Brabant.
Dock Zuid is thankful for the support of these organisations: